disAbled Life Foundation is a component fund of Legacy Global Foundation, a public 501(c)(3) charity EIN: 37-1440662 No goods or services were provided in exchange for this donation. Donations to 501(c)(3) organizations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. The donation amount listed is your potential tax-deductible amount. Donations may only be partially deductible if part of a sponsorship. Donors should consult with their personal tax advisor regarding any potential tax deductions. All gifts are irrevocable and will not be a part of the donor’s estate or available to the donor’s heirs. Legacy makes no representations to the donor, except from being qualified as a public 501(c)(3) organization.
disAbled Life Foundation (Montcalm Social Enterprise) is a fiscally sponsored program of Legacy Global Programs, a 501(c)3 organization, EIN: 20-8099462